Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome : do we speak the same language? (engelsk)

Olga Bogdashina

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale

Communication problems in autism (engelsk)

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Social and communication development in autism spectrum disorders : early identification, diagnosis, and intervention (engelsk)

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Comic strip conversations : colorful, illustrated interactions with students with autism and related disorders (engelsk)

Carol Gray

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Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome : do we speak the same language? (Engelsk)

Olʹga Bogdashina

  1. Bog

Video modelling and behaviour analysis : a guide for teaching social skills to children with autism (engelsk)

Christos Nikopoulos

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Teaching social communication to children with autism : a practioners guide to parent training (engelsk)

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