Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Disability across the developmental lifespan : an introduction for the helping professions (engelsk)

Julie Smart, PhD

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Being well in academia : ways to feel stronger, safer and more connected (Engelsk)

Petra Boynton

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Academic emotions : feeling the institution (engelsk)

Katie Barclay

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Uncommon sense teaching : practical insights in brain science to help students learn (engelsk)

Barbara A. Oakley (1955-)

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Affect and the rise of right-wing populism : pedagogies for the renewal of democratic education (engelsk)

Michalinos Zembylas

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Sweller's cognitive load theory in action (engelsk)

Oliver Lovell

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Running the room : the teacher's guide to behaviour (engelsk)

Tom Bennett

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Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users (engelsk)

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Ledarskap, sociala relationer och konflikthantering för lärare (svensk)

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Professionella pedagogiska samtal för en inkluderande skolkultur (svensk)

Désirée von Ahlefeld Nisser (1953-)

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