Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Mind in life : biology, phenomenology, and the sciences of mind (Engelsk)

Evan Thompson

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Mind in life : biology, phenomenology, and the sciences of mind (engelsk)

Evan Thompson

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The heart of judgment : practical wisdom, neuroscience, and narrative (engelsk)

Leslie Paul Thiele

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The inhuman condition (engelsk)

Keith Tester (1960)

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The expertise of perception : how experience changes the way we see the world (engelsk)

James W. Tanaka

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The metaphysics of experience (engelsk)

Leslie Stevenson

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Partners in thought : working with unformulated experience, dissociation, and enactment (engelsk)

Donnel B. Stern

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Forms of vitality : exploring dynamic experience in psychology, the arts, psychotherapy, and development (engelsk)

Daniel N. Stern

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X: The Experience When Business Meets Design (engelsk)

Brian Solis

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The dice game of shiva : how consciousness creates the universe (engelsk)

Richard Smoley (1956-)

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