Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Risks of technology use in humanitarian settings : Avoiding harm, delivering impact (engelsk)

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Pathways to alternative epistemologies in Africa (Engelsk)

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Knowledge, education and social structure in Africa (engelsk)

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Think again : the power of knowing what you don't know (engelsk)

Adam Grant (1981-)

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Beyond the political spider : critical issues in African humanities (engelsk)

Kwesi Yankah

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Challenging the apartheids of knowledge in higher education through social innovation (Engelsk)

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Challenging authorities : ethnographies of legitimacy and power in Eastern and Southern Africa (Engelsk)

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Knowledge for peace : transitional justice and the politics of knowledge in theory and practice (Engelsk)

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Knowledge beyond colour lines : towards repurposing knowledge generation in South African higher education (Engelsk)

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Decolonising the Academy : a case for convivial scholarship (Engelsk)

Francis B. Nyamnjoh (1961-)

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