Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Disrupting data in qualitative inquiry : entanglements with the post-critical and post-anthropocentric (engelsk)

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Hvad sker der i klasseværelset? (dansk)

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Stilladsering - en pædagogisk metafor (dansk)

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Young children and families in the information age : applications of technology in early childhood (engelsk)

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Motivation and second language acquisition : the socio-educational model (Engelsk)

Robert C. Gardner

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Sociocultural theories of learning and motivation : looking back, looking forward (engelsk)

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Teaching interpersonal skills : a handbook of experiential learning for health professionals (engelsk)

Philip Burnard

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Intensive case studies of practice across the foundation stage (engelsk)

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Philosophical perspectives on lifelong learning (engelsk)

David N. Aspin

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The myth of the normal curve (engelsk)

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