Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Gesellschaftspolitische Konzeptionen der Gegenwart : Demokratischer Sozialismus, Marxismus, katholische Soziallehre, Neoliberalismus (tysk)

Philipp Eggers

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Politics and social structure (Engelsk)

Talcott Parsons

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Revolution and counterrevolution : Change and persistence in social structures (Engelsk)

Seymour Martin Lipset

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Stratagems and spoils : A social anthropology of politics (Engelsk)

F. G. Bailey

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Political conflict : Essays in political sociology (engelsk)

Morris Janowitz

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Apathy and participation : Mass politics in Western societies (engelsk)

Giuseppe Di Palma

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Social science and the idea of process : The ambiguous legacy of Arthur F. Bentley (engelsk)

Paul F. Kress

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Mass politics (engelsk)

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Social mobility and political change (Engelsk)

Ioan Davies

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The analysis of political cleavages (engelsk)

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