Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Mindreading and social cognition (engelsk)

Jane Suilin Lavelle

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Sustainable solutions : the climate crisis and the psychology of social action (engelsk)

Robert G. Jones (1955-)

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Indoctrination to hate : recruitment techniques of hate groups and how to stop them (engelsk)

Edward Dunbar

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Samspel i grupp : introduktion till gruppdynamik (svensk)

Björn Nilsson (1943-)

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The paranoid chronotope : power, truth, identity (engelsk)

Frida Beckman

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Det magiske vendepunkt : hvordan små ændringer bliver til store forandringer (dansk)

Malcolm Gladwell

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The status game (engelsk)

Will Storr

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The public and their platforms : public sociology in an era of social media (engelsk)

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Psychology at the intersections of gender, feminism, history, and culture (engelsk)

Alexandra Rutherford

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Where culture and mind meet : principles for a dynamic cultural psychology (engelsk)

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