Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Action learning (dansk)

Krystyna Weinstein

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Vom Wort und Gedanken der Arbeit bei Goethe (tysk)

Rainer Weinrich

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Mensch und Arbeit, Anthropologische Aspekte der Berufserziehung (tysk)

Franz-Josef Wehnes

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Sociology, work and industry (engelsk)

Tony J. Watson

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The promise of diversity : how Brazilian brand capitalism affects precarious identities and work (engelsk)

Nicolas Wasser

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Work, unemployment, and mental health (engelsk)

Peter Warr

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Psychology at work (engelsk)

Peter B. Warr

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Organizations and experiments : designing new ways of managing work (engelsk)

Malcolm Warner (19---)

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An open case : the organisational context of social work (engelsk)

Joyce Warham

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Det skjulte arbeid : en argumentasjon for et utvidet arbeidsbegrep (norsk)

Cato Wadel

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