Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The industrial muse : A study of nineteenth century British working-class literature (Engelsk)

Martha Vicinus

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The Chartists : popular politics in the Industrial Revolution (engelsk)

Dorothy Thompson (1923-2011)

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Working conditions in the Victorian Age : debates on the issue from 19th century critical journals (engelsk)

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The Victorian working class : selections from letters to the Morning Chronicle (engelsk)

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The Chartist experience : studies in working-class radicalism and culture, 1830-60 (engelsk)

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Bread, knowledge, and freedom : a study of nineteenth-century working class autobiography (engelsk)

David Vincent

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Images of youth : age, class, and the male youth problem, 1880-1920 (engelsk)

Harry Hendrick

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British workers and the Independent Labour Party 1888-1906 (engelsk)

David Howell (f. 1945)

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Saving and spending : the working-class economy in Britain 1870-1939 (engelsk)

Paul Johnson (1956-)

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