Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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World's scariest dinosaurs (engelsk)

Rupert Matthews

  1. Bog

Wilf the mighty worrier rescues the dinosaurs (engelsk)

Georgia Pritchett

  1. Bog

What bugged the dinosaurs? : insects, disease, and death in the Cretaceous (engelsk)

  1. Bog

Walking with dinosaurs - the movie

  1. Film

Walking with dinosaurs

Supermassive Games

  1. Spil

Walking with dinosaurs : the 3D movie Dinopedia (engelsk)

Steve Brusatte

  1. Bog

Walking with dinosaurs

Jasper James

  1. Film

Walking with dinosaurs

  1. Blandede materialetyper

Walking with dinosaurs : a natural history (engelsk)

Tim Haines

  1. Bog

Værd at vide om dinosaurer : de små, de store og de farlige (dansk)

  1. Bog