Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Writing security : United States foreign policy and the politics of identity (Engelsk)

David Campbell

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Writing security : United States foreign policy and the politics of identity (engelsk)

David Campbell

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Wotans Jünger : neuheidnische Gruppen zwischen Esoterik und Rechtsredikalismus (tysk)

Franziska Hundseder

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Women's Role in the 1980's? : The Right Reconstructs America : The Roots of Italian Terrorism (engelsk)

Social Research and Education

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Women, gender and fascism in Europe, 1919-45 (engelsk)

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Women in Europe between the wars : politics, culture and society (engelsk)

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Why the right went wrong : conservatism-- from Goldwater to the Tea Party and beyond (engelsk)

E. J. Dionne

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Why liberalism failed (engelsk)

Patrick J. Deneen (1964-)

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Why is there no socialism in the United States? (Flere sprog)

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When ideology trumps science : why we question the experts on everything from climate change to vaccinations (engelsk)

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