Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Intelligent materialism : essays on Hegel and dialectics (engelsk)

˙E. V. Ilʹenkov

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Marx on capitalism : the interaction-recognition-antinomy thesis (engelsk)

James Furner

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The making of capitalism in France : class structures, economic development, the state and the formation of the French working class, 1750-1914 (engelsk)

Xavier Lafrance

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The corporation, law and capitalism : A radical perspective on the role of law in the global political economy (engelsk)

Grietje Baars

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Theory as critique : essays on Capital (engelsk)

Paul Mattick

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Marx's Capital : an unfinishable project? (engelsk)

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Debord, time and spectacle : Hegelian Marxism and situationist theory (Engelsk)

Tom Bunyard

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The Dutch and German communist left (1900-68) : 'Neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor Stalin!' 'All workers must think for themselves!' (engelsk)

Philippe Bourrinet

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Finance capital today : corporations and banks in the lasting global slump (engelsk)

François Chesnais

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The rhythm of thought in Gramsci : a diachronic interpretation of prison notebooks (engelsk)

Giuseppe Cospito (1966-)

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