Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Competition, fairness, and equality in sport and society (engelsk)

Verner Møller

  1. Bog

Down the road apiece : their EMI recordings 1963-1966

Manfred Mann

  1. Musik

Dreamboats and petticoats top 100

  1. Musik

Du er på! (dansk)

Sienna Mercer

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale

Duke Ellington : the essential recordings

  1. Musik

Everything swings

David "Panama" Francis

  1. Musik

Fab gear

  1. Musik

Fake book 1963-1971

The Rolling Stones

  1. Node

Gender and the dismal science : women in the early years of the economics profession (engelsk)

Ann Mari May (1956-)

  1. Bog

Good times of old England : Steeleye Span 1972-1983

Steeleye Span

  1. Musik