Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Fantastiske 80'ere : 100 forrygende 80'er hits

  1. Musik

20 greatest hits : piano, vocal, guitar

Aretha Franklin

  1. Node

Jon Savage's 1967 : the year pop divided

  1. Musik

Café Hack : alle de største hits & klassikere fra radioprogrammet

  1. Musik

Bridget Jones's baby : original motion picture soundtrack

  1. Musik

Twelve inch eighties - people hold on

  1. Musik

Let it be : black America sings Lennon, McCartney and Harrison

  1. Musik

The complete 1956-1962

Aretha Franklin

  1. Musik

Sings the great diva classics

Aretha Franklin

  1. Musik

Craig Charles funk & soul classics

  1. Musik