Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Marco Polos rejser på Silkevejen (dansk)

Cath Senker

  1. Bog

Parchment booklets, the royal wardrobe and the Italian connection : how the parchment booklet was adopted as an administrative tool in England during the reign of king Edward I and Edward II (1272-1327) (engelsk)

Frederick Bearman

I: Care and conservation of manuscripts, Nr. 15 (2016)
  1. Artikel

The last centuries of Byzantium 1261-1453 (engelsk)

Donald M. Nicol

  1. Bog

The Middle Ages (engelsk)

Tim Wood

  1. Bog

Boken om Marco Polo : borger av Venezia (norsk)

Marco Polo

  1. Bog

William Wallace : man and myth (engelsk)

Graeme Morton

  1. Bog

The later crusades, 1274-1580 : from Lyons to Alcazar (engelsk)

Norman Housley

  1. Bog

Marco Polo

  1. Film

Marco Polo's Silk road : the art of the journey : an Italian at the court of Kublai Khan (engelsk)

Marco Polo

  1. Bog

Marco Polo : the incredible journey (engelsk)

Robin Brown

  1. Bog