Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Locke on toleration (engelsk)

John Locke (1632-1704)

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Principles and agents : the British slave trade and its abolition (engelsk)

David Richardson (1946-)

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The continuum companion to Locke (engelsk)

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Locke's Second Treatise of Government : A Reader's Guide (engelsk)

Paul Kelly

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Locke's essay concerning human understanding : a reader's guide (Engelsk)

William Uzgalis

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Crises and Popular Dissent : The Divided West (engelsk)

Mike O'Donnell

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Fifty key thinkers on language and linguistics (engelsk)

Margaret Thomas

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Consciousness and the great philosophers : what would they have said about our mind-body problem? (engelsk)

Stephen D. Leach

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Organisational psychology : revisiting the classic studies (engelsk)

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Consciousness and the philosophy of signs : How peircean semiotics combines phenomenal qualia and practical effects (engelsk)

Marc Champagne

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