Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The road to unfreedom : Russia, Europe, America (engelsk)

Timothy Snyder

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Bloodlands : Europa mellem Hitler og Stalin (dansk)

Timothy Snyder

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A Theological jurisprudence of popular cinema : superheroes, science fictions and fantasies of modern law (engelsk)

Timothy D. Peters

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Gary Snyder and the Pacific Rim : creating countercultural community (engelsk)

Timothy Gray (1964-)

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Vejen til ufrihed : Rusland, Europa, USA (dansk)

Timothy Snyder

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Sort jord : Holocaust som historie og advarsel (dansk)

Timothy Snyder

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Om tyranni : 20 ting vi kan lære af det 20. århundrede (dansk)

Timothy Snyder

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Breve fra anden verdenskrig (dansk)

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Free to Obey : How the Nazis Invented Modern Management (engelsk)

Johann Chapoutot

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On tyranny : twenty lessons from the twentieth century (engelsk)

Timothy Snyder

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