Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Principles of forensic medicine and toxicology (engelsk)

Rajesh Bardale

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Understanding Cannabis : Issues (engelsk)

Tina Brand

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Cannabis : the genus Cannabis (engelsk)

David T. Brown

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Botanical miracles : chemistry of plants that changed the world (engelsk)

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Sandhederne om medicinsk cannabis (dansk)

Maria Cuculiza

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Fallacies in Medicine and Health : Critical Thinking, Argumentation and Communication (engelsk)

Louise Cummings

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The cannabis manifesto : a new paradigm for wellness (engelsk)

Steve DeAngelo

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Cannabinoids (engelsk)

Vincenzo Di Marzo

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Pot politics : marijuana and the costs of prohibition (engelsk)

Mitchell Earleywine

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Life in Pain : Affective Economy and the Demand for Pain Relief (engelsk)

John L. Fitzgerald

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