Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Kærlighedens skygger (dansk)

Diane Chamberlain

  1. Bog
  2. Lydbog
  3. E-materiale

A fever in the heartland : the Ku Klux Klan's plot to take over America, and the woman who stopped them (engelsk)

Timothy Egan

  1. Bog

A time to kill

  1. Film

Son of the south

  1. Film
  2. E-materiale

Ku Klux Klan og religion i 1920'ernes USA : klanens forhold til protestatisme, katolicisme og jødedom i en tid med stigende immigration (dansk)

Frederikke Skov Smørum

I: Passé, Nr. 18 (2022)
  1. Artikel
  2. E-materiale

Against the klan : a newspaper publisher in South Louisiana during the 1960s (engelsk)

Lou Major (1931-2012)

  1. Bog

Down along with that devil's bones : a reckoning with monuments, memory, and the legacy of white supremacy (engelsk)

Connor Towne O'Neill

  1. Bog


  1. Film
  2. E-materiale

Race against time : a reporter reopens the unsolved murder cases of the civil rights era (engelsk)

Jerry Mitchell

  1. Bog

Down along with that devil's bones : a reckoning with monuments, memory, and the legacy of white supremacy (engelsk)

Connor Towne O'Neill (1989-)

  1. Bog