Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The psychology of learning and motivation : advances in research and theory (engelsk)

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The psychology of learning and motivation : Advances in research and theory

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Teaching and the unconscious mind (engelsk)

John C. Hill

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The social psychology of teaching : selected readings (engelsk)

A Morrison

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Pædagogisk tilrettelæggelse og udvikling af evner og motivation

Sven Thyssen

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Psychology and education : a science for instruction (engelsk)

John R. Bergan

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Indlæringsmål og skole (dansk)

Sven Thyssen

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Rekruttering og frafald indenfor voksenundervisningen (dansk)

Birger Pilgaard

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Motivation in education (engelsk)

Samuel Ball

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Motivation i skolen : manipulation eller solidaritet (dansk)

Knud Illeris

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