Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Rhythm & blues in New Orleans (engelsk)

John Broven

  1. Bog

Walking to New Orleans : the story of New Orleans rhythm & blues (engelsk)

John Broven

  1. Bog

South to Louisiana : the music of the Cajun bayous (engelsk)

John Broven

  1. Bog

The vintage years

B. B. King

  1. Musik

The great cajun accordionist

Nathan Abshire

  1. Musik

Cajun classics : kings of Cajun at their very best

  1. Musik

Pine grove blues

Nathan Abshire

  1. Musik

Rhytm and blues in New Orleans

John Broven

  1. Bog

Record makers and breakers : voices of the independent rock 'n' roll pioneers (engelsk)

John Broven

  1. Bog

Sehorn's soul farm

  1. Musik