Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Filosofi og socialt håb (dansk)

Richard Rorty

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Kontingens, ironi og solidaritet (dansk)

Richard Rorty

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Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism (engelsk)

Richard Rorty

  1. Bog

On philosophy and philosophers : unpublished papers, 1960-2000 (engelsk)

Richard Rorty

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Philosophy and the mirror of nature (engelsk)

Richard Rorty

  1. Bog

Religionens fremtid (dansk)

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  2. E-materiale

Mind, language, and metaphilosophy : early philosophical papers (Engelsk)

Richard Rorty

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  2. E-materiale

An ethics for today : finding common ground between philosophy and religion (Engelsk)

Richard Rorty

  1. Bog

The philosophy of Richard Rorty (Engelsk)

  1. Bog

The Rorty Reader (engelsk)

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