Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The British industrial revolution in global perspective (engelsk)

Robert C. Allen (1947-)

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Family and business during the Industrial Revolution (Engelsk)

Hannah Barker (1967-)

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London, hub of the Industrial Revolution : a revisionary history 1775-1825 (engelsk)

David Barnett

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Slavery, capitalism and the industrial revolution (engelsk)

Maxine Berg

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Ireland and the industrial revolution : the impact of the industrial revolution on Irish industry, 1801-1922 (engelsk)

Andy Bielenberg (1959-)

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Agile approaches for successfully managing and executing projects in the fourth industrial revolution (engelsk)

Hur Bersam Bolat (1971-)

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The Goal is Industry 4.0: Technologies and trends of the fourth industrial revolution (sproget kan ikke bestemmes)

Francisco Yánez Brea

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Iron Bridge to Crystal Palace : impact and images of the industrial revolution (engelsk)

Asa Briggs

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Den industrielle revolusjon. Kapitalisme, industri og teknologi (norsk)

Kristine Bruland

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Gender, work and wages in industrial revolution Britain (Engelsk)

Joyce Burnette

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