Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Latino immigrants in the United States (engelsk)

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Latinas/os in the United States : changing the face of America (engelsk)

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Brown Tide Rising : Metaphors of Latinos in Contemporary American Public Discourse (engelsk)

Otto Santa Ana

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Children of color : psychological interventions with culturally diverse youth (engelsk)

Jewelle Taylor Gibbs

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Latinos in the United States : diversity and change (engelsk)

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New faces, new voices : the Hispanic electorate in America (engelsk)

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Uninsured in Chicago : how the social safety net leaves Latinos behind (engelsk)

Robert Vargas (1985-)

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Latinos : USA's store mindretal (dansk)

Niels Boel

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Struggling to become American : 1899-1940 (engelsk)

Robin Doak

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Youth cultures in the USA (engelsk)

Rikke Siersbæk

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