Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Early childhood language education and literacy practices in Ethiopia : perspectives from indigenous knowledge, gender, and instructional practices (engelsk)

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Digitalization and learning as a worlding practice : why dialogue matters (engelsk)

Ernst Schraube

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Sidemandsoplæring : videndeling i praksis (dansk)

Line Sander

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Brug din superhjerne : teknikker til at huske, studere og lære (endnu) bedre

Olav Schewe

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African perspectives on the teaching and learning of English in higher education (engelsk)

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Educational neuroscience for literacy teachers : research-backed methods and practices for effective reading instruction (engelsk)

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Off the mark : how grades, ratings, & rankings undermine learning (but don't have to) (engelsk)

Jack Schneider, (Writer on education)

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The pandemic and social science approaches to teaching and learning (engelsk)

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Media and technology in 21st century higher and tertiary education in Africa : insights from Teachers' Colleges in Zimbabwe (engelsk)

Costain Tandi

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Critical dimensions of African studies : re-membering Africa (engelsk)

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