Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Donald J. Trump and the politics of mass society (engelsk)

Albert P. Melone

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Social media news and its impact (engelsk)

Fuyuan Shen

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The revival of political imagination : utopias as methodology (engelsk)

Teppo Eskelinen

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The war on the west (engelsk)

Douglas Murray

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Communism, political power and personal freedom in Marx : beyond the "dualism of the realms" (engelsk)

Levy del Aguila Marchena

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  2. E-materiale

Politics of the gift : towards a convivial society (engelsk)

Frank Adloff

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Kapitalistische Subjektivation : das Subjekt des kybernetischen Kapitalismus zwischen Digitalisierung, Prekarisierung und Autoritarismus (tysk)

Peter Schulz (1986-)

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Philosophy, politics, and economics : an introduction (Engelsk)

Gerald F. Gaus

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Experts and democratic legitimacy : tracing the social ties of expert bodies in Europe (Engelsk)

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One Hundred Years of Social Protection : The Changing Social Question in Brazil, India, China, and South Africa (engelsk)

Lutz Leisering

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  2. E-materiale