Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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American immigration : its variety and lasting imprint (engelsk)

R Kroes

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Addressing cultural issues in organizations : beyond the corporate context (engelsk)

Robert T. Carter (1948-)

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Thereuniting of America : eleven multicultural dialogues (engelsk)

Donald H. Roy

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Political conflicts of true and real interests : black-race and white-ethnic kith and kinship ties and binds : of and/or the Jesse Jackson factor in the Democratic race and the Republican religious faction (engelsk)

Joseph R. Washington

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Making invisible Latino adolescents visible : a critical approach to Latino diversity (engelsk)

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A war of words : Chicano protest in the 1960s and 1970s (engelsk)

John C. Hammerback

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Korean immigrants and the challenge of adjustment (engelsk)

Moon H. Jo (1934-)

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An unillustrious alliance : the African American and Jewish American communities (engelsk)

William M. Phillips

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The politics of racial inequality : a systematic comparative macro-analysis from the Colonial period to 1970 (engelsk)

J. Owens Smith

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The legacy of Jewish migration : 1881 and its impact (engelsk)

David Berger (f. 1943)

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