Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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"'tis the season to be jelly"

The Mothers of Invention

  1. Musik

100 great country songs : for klaver med underlagt tekst og becifring (med guitargreb) og for 1 stemme og klaver med becifring (med guitargreb)

Carol Cuellar

  1. Node

150 of the best jazz standards ever! : piano, vocal, guitar

  1. Node

75 all-time classic songs : piano, vocal, guitar

  1. Node

A Child Alone with Strangers : A Novel (engelsk)

Philip Fracassi

  1. Bog
  2. E-materiale

A geography of time : the temporal misadventures of a social psychologist, or how every culture keeps time just a little bit differently (engelsk)

Robert Levine

  1. Bog

A Philosophy of Simple Living (engelsk)

Jérôme Brillaud

  1. Bog

A present from the past

The Soundtrack of Our Lives

  1. Musik

ABC of the blues : the ultimate collection from the Delta to the big cities

Three Blazers

  1. Musik

African youth cultures in a globalized world : challenges, agency and resistance (Engelsk)

  1. Bog