Music / rock


Reviews (2)


d. 14. July 2014




d. 14. July 2014

""(r)Evolution" is an uprising of old and represents a reset for the band that would stylistically fall somewhere between "Legacy of Kings" and "Crimson Thunder." The material is refreshed and catchy without being overdone and drab. The band's decision to stick to what it is good at and what made the group famous was a sound decision".

Metal storm

d. 13. Aug. 2014



R Lewis

d. 13. Aug. 2014

"Long-time HammerFall fans will find what they've almost always found. Some great sing-along live tunes, a dramatic power ballad a la "Dark Winds, Dark Words" again based on the Game Of Thrones universe, a handful of decent tracks and others made to make sure that the "skip" button on the stereo still works. (r)Evolution is not the ground-breaking return some were hoping for. Neither is it a good album for the band's standards. It's a safe, just satisfactory one. No more. But at least, many will say, it's HammerFall again".