Music / rock


Reviews (4)

Gaffa [online]

d. 8. Oct. 2020



Keld Rud

d. 8. Oct. 2020

"Det klæder Bon Jovi at have et ærinde, og bandet har ikke været så konsistente på et album siden Keep the Faith fra 1992. Der er ingen af de mange deciderede fejlskud, der har martret mange af Bon Jovis album i de senere år, og de 48 minutter virker ganske helstøbte. Og jeg må blankt erkende, at det er mange år siden, at jeg har lyttet til et Bon Jovi-album og rent faktisk nydt det".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Jon Bon Jovi doesn't disguise his somber attitude. He reigns in both volume and hooks, keeping focus on lyrics and mood, resulting in a record that deliberately avoids good times even when Jon Bon Jovi is singing about love and transcendence. To his credit, Bon Jovi never avoids directly confronting America's ills - he lays it all out in "American Reckoning" and implores listeners to "Do What You Can" - but despite the good intentions, Bon Jovi 2020 winds up getting swallowed up by its heavy-handed rhythms and earnest murk".


d. 7. Oct. 2020



Anders Molin

d. 7. Oct. 2020

"Bon Jovi har skabt en hyldest til det triste år 2020 og rammer plet med at afspejle gudsjammerligheden ... 2020' føles præcist lige som året som en lang tristesse, der ser ud til aldrig at ende trods 48 minutter/366 dage".

The Rockpit

d. 4. Oct. 2020



Mony Doyle

d. 4. Oct. 2020

"Jon Bon Jovi's brilliance is in the simplicity with which his words relate to everybody's reality. Not to mention the instrumental mastery of a band that has been in the game since 1984. '2020' is not only a music album, it's a document of the year we are living in. And that in itself is an amazing accomplishment. But make no mistake, '2020' is not a Margaritas album. Open that red, dim the lights and prepare to be taken into an emotional, sometimes unsettling trip, but one you will not forget".