NMEd. 2. Oct. 2022ByByKyann-Sian Williamsd. 2. Oct. 2022"Heavily relying on the feel-good nature of classic '00s R&B - and the Robin S 'Show Me Love' house sample on 'My Heart's Been Waiting For You' - Craig David could have dangerously made a gimmicky throwback album. Yet, in a time when many UK R&B fans are crying out for great music and recognition, Craig David not only feeds that appetite but uses his platform to laud up some stars to watch too".Read review
Renowned for sound2022ByByAdam Boustred2022"David has emphatically continued his discography with 22. The perfect balance between his classic style and a sprinkling of something new is sure to please fans everywhere. From new genres to surprising collaborations, this record has something for everyone and seems to contain the necessary ingredients for an album that will stay at the top for a long time".Read review