Music / rock

A dawn to fear

Reviews (3)


d. 22. Sep. 2019



Jon Albjerg Ravnholt

d. 22. Sep. 2019

"Jeg vil gerne have 'A Dawn to Fear' til at være et mesterværk. Jeg vil gerne have den oplevelse ud af den, jeg har fået ud af flere af deres tidligere plader. Jeg vil det så gerne, at jeg efter 15 gennemlytninger fortsat venter på, at pladen skal åbne sig for mig i mere end de sprækker, der er hist og her. At monotonien skal vise sig som en polyfoni. Der er jeg bare ikke nået til endnu. 15 gennemlytninger henne er det faktisk påfaldende, så få melodier eller bare stemninger, der har sat sig fast (...) Overfor de fleste andre plader ville jeg forlængst have givet fortabt på dette tidspunkt. Jeg ville have afskrevet pladen. Jeg ville ikke have givet dem de samme chancer, som jeg har vænnet mig til at give Cult of Luna. På den måde er jeg ikke meget bedre end Tool-fanatikeren, der endnu ikke har villet erkende, at den der nye plade er lidt kedelig. Men som ham venter jeg fortsat på, at det skal vise sig, at jeg har taget fejl. Igen. Og jeg er trods alt overbevist om, at mine odds er bedre".

The 405

d. 24. Sep. 2019



Todd Dedman

d. 24. Sep. 2019

"Cult of Luna have been pushing sonic boundaries for 20 years, yet there is an organic freshness to this album which will surprise many familiar with their work, and should capture a few new fans along the way. This isn't an album to dip in and out of - the ordering of the tracks work well and the album requires investment from the listener which is rewarded in abundance".

The quietus

d. 3. Oct. 2019



Tom Coles

d. 3. Oct. 2019

"For a record that focuses more on shape and mood than re-structuring the whole of the genre they helped to define, there are some notable leftfield moments. The slow burn of 'The Silent Man' gives them space to lay down some beautifully emotive guitar passages. The percussion is always driving and busy, but the almost dance-y rhythms on `Nightwalkers' gives the track a sudden, unexpected burst of energy in its latter phase. And closer 'The Fall' features a riff that wails, siren-like, over a steady thump of drums. These distinctive moments add cohesion to the record. Cult of Luna have left well alone the things which made their previous release special. In doing so, their new effort presents them as refreshed, distinguished and mature".