Music / rock

A new day now

Reviews (3)


d. 7. Aug. 2020



John Aizlewood

d. 7. Aug. 2020

"In 2000, the Tom Dowd-produced, covers-strewn A New Day Yesterday introduced Joe Bonamassa as a thrusting yet derivative blues talent. Two decades on, Bonamassa has remixed, re-sung, re-titled and remastered that debut ... Now being older and wiser, Bonamassa has brought new value: his vocals have improved beyond recognition; he brings new wounded experience to his own Headaches To Heartbreaks, while he sounds authoritative rather than hopeful on Al Kooper's Nuthin' I Wouldn't Do (For A Woman Like You)".

Get ready to rock!

d. 13. Aug. 2020



Pete Feenstra

d. 13. Aug. 2020

"... what are we to make of an artist 20 years the wiser and with unparalleled success behind him, as he revisits his breakthrough album?Well they say you should never go back, but Bonamassa has the vision, the chops and in Kevin Shirley, a producer who always brings out the best out of him ... 20 years on from his breakthough album, Joe Bonamassa is still trying new things, amen to that".

Elmore magazine

d. 18. Aug. 2020



Gene Knapp

d. 18. Aug. 2020

"The vocals of a mature, confident man in his early 40s have replaced the originals. Guitar parts once left off the original have, in some cases, reappeared. Other than that, the magic of Joe Bonamassa's early work shines through. From the opening note of "Cradle Rock," we know to expect the excellence that Bonamassa has stressed throughout his formidable career. He thrives on blues, he rocks, and he gets intoxicatingly funky, as on "I Know Where I Belong." The original recording was proof of Bonamassa `s future. Today his work speaks for itself, always remembering to celebrate those who came before".