Music / folk

Acoustic classics II

Reviews (3)

Americana UK

d. 19. July 2017



Jonathan Aird

d. 19. July 2017

"The sound is great, Richard Thompson's voice is strong and the playing is exemplary. Sure, this or that personal favourite song may not have been included - but there's still plenty of time for further releases in this series, culminating, perhaps, in a huge acoustic collection. Why not?".

The guardian

d. 10. Aug. 2017



Jude Rogers

d. 10. Aug. 2017

"When Richard Thompson sings, seas part and rocks crumble. His is an authoritative, confident voice, but also a breathlessly young one, unchanged over the years, as this second collection of acoustic versions of his back catalogue proves ... A project funded by Pledge Music-style crowdfunding, this is not a primer for his career by any means, but a welcome light on dusty corners, opening up a notable life".

Folk radio UK

d. 1. Aug. 2017



Glenn Kimpton

d. 1. Aug. 2017

"It's a great idea, cataloguing Richard Thompson's substantial material into stripped back acoustic versions as a collection; the songs themselves are of such high quality that they'll be around forever, and we all know that Thompson is a hugely accomplished guitarist ... It's a reassuring and accessible run so far and a very useful gateway for anybody looking to familiarise themselves with some of the most important song writing in modern British folk history".