Music / rock

Acquainted with night

Reviews (2)





Fred Thomas


"In some ways, Acquainted with Night feels like a distant cousin to Adrianne Lenker's songs and instrumentals. Though Neale's album is spacier and less organically drawn, both see talented songwriters turning to more spartan means to deliver the emotional essences of their songs. For Neale, the grainy imperfections and surreal experiments of Acquainted with Night open her songs up to an unforeseen world of solitary beauty and personality, where the clean, professional sound of earlier work rendered them a little bit anonymous".

Under the radar

d. 23. Feb. 2021



Mark Moody

d. 23. Feb. 2021

"Acquainted With Night is the type of album where there is not much need to dissect individual songs. It's a complete work best taken in its entirety, with Neale's ethos stamped all over it. Though she did have an earlier more directly folk based release, Acquainted With Night is not only a reinvention of herself, but the rare scrap of antiquity that becomes the newest thing under the sun".