Music / rock

Africa speaks

Reviews (4)





Thom Jurek


"Africa Speaks is breathtaking in terms of energy and scope of vision. Here, the Santana band are - more than at any time since the mid-'70s run of Caravanserai, Welcome, Lotus, and Borboletta - a rangy, intense, restless, and musically hungry outfit aware of their potential. Africa Speaks is the surprise of 2019, the album Carlos has been desiring to make for decades but was unable to given contract restrictions - Concord offered complete artistic freedom. He, Buika, and the Santana band made the most of it".

Glide Magazine

d. 6. June 2019



Doug Collette

d. 6. June 2019

"The heated pop and slap of congas that opens the title track of Santana's Africa Speaks conjure memories of the vintage likes of 1970's atmospheric Abraxas, a favorable impression that solidifies over the course of the sixty-plus minutes that follows".


2019 August



Bill Milkowski

2019 August

"His most inspired, most fully realized album since 1970's Abraxas, Africa Speaks is not only a forum for searing licks; it also serves as a showcase for Spanish singer-poet-lyricist Buika, who delivers an uncommon intensity, taking these heightened jams to a more exalted level. She melds that singular quality with Santana's incendiary guitar work, pushing the leader to some ecstatic heights in their call-and- response exchanges".


2019 July



Mat Snow

2019 July

"[A] spectacular joy ride ... Rick Rubin (...) once again jolts a jaded legend back to life ... As passionately exciting as anything in the classic Carlos canon, Africa Speaks is an album of highlight after highlight".