Music / verdensmusik - world music


Reviews (1)


2016 June



Mark T

2016 June

"La Banda Morisca is (...) a relatively new band from Jerez de la Frontera in Andalucia who have grown out of the ashes of Radio Tarifa and La Jambre. However, (...) whereas Tarifa were in the main understated and string-led, Morisca are full-on with a daunting set of reeds and a vocalist to die for ... Morisca's music is a mix of Spanish music fused with influences from North Africa ... Throughout the recording a preoccupation with rhythm is evident with songs changing tempo and time signature mid-stream. This pushes the music up a gear but also moves it into new territory, so with "Rumaiquiya Y Mutamid, for example, the chorus moves into prog-rock territory while the verse and instrumental are distinctly North African jazz. It is a testament to their musical skill that they can pull moves like this off and still keep the music on project ... Their singer is (...) one of the best male flamenco singers I have heard in quite a while".