Music / kor

All good things

Reviews (3)

MusicWeb international

2017 October



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2017 October

"This is a most enjoyable disc, full of attractive and entertaining music. As a matter of purely personal taste I think that it's the slower tempo items that are the most successful. That said, Chilcott in up-tempo mood is thoroughly engaging so other listeners may react differently. I doubt there'll be any debate, however, about the quality of the performances. The jazz musicians are slick, tight and professional. Their contributions seem right on the money to me. As for the singing of Commotio, it's consistently fine ... Mike Hatch has produced an excellent recording in which all components - instruments and singers - are clearly heard. The very good documentation includes useful notes by the composer and all the sung texts. Buy this disc to blow away the cobwebs and put a smile on your face".

MusicWeb international

2017 November



Gwyn Parry-Jones

2017 November

"Chilcott has a growing world-wide reputation as a composer of beautifully conceived choral music ... Beautiful music, beautifully performed and recorded - what more could you want?".

BBC music magazine

2017 December



Terry Blain

2017 December

"Is it jazz? Is it classical? Does it matter? Yes, maybe and no, are probably the answers. More importantly, this CD swings, and is thoroughly enjoyable ... Of the shorter pieces the unaccompanied Weather Report provides the Commotio Singers the opportunity to show their paces technically, and they turn in an appropriately dashing performance".

Vurdering : 4/5.