Music / folk

Angels without wings

Reviews (5)

The independent

d. 24. Feb. 2013



Nick Coleman

d. 24. Feb. 2013

"There's a lot going for Angels Without Wings. It has a band and production corps to die for; fine songwriters falling over themselves to deliver touching songs; and Talbot's voice, which is fresh as a dew-decked cobweb ... It's a bright, optimistic, emotive world, Heidi's, and well suited to the neutral "roots" pop sound which frames it. Everything turns out fine".

Gaffa [online]

d. 18. Feb. 2013



Espen Strunk

d. 18. Feb. 2013

"Fra åbnings- og titelnummeret om englene iblandt os til episke Dearest Johnny udfoldes et fintfølende klangunivers, som dufter af brænderøg og pejsehygge - og som sine steder bringer musikalske mindelser om nyere Dylan-plader. Bevares, det er både mere akustisk og mere pænt, men det er samme musikalske muld, som pløjes".

The telegraph

d. 4. Mar. 2013



Martin Chilton

d. 4. Mar. 2013

"The album, expertly produced by Talbot's musician husband John McCusker (who features on fiddle, viola and ukulele), is bursting with musicianship of the highest order ... Songwriting duties were shared around - with McCusker and Hewerdine featuring heavily - but Talbot's solo writing effort, I'm Not Sorry, stands up well among 11 strong songs. It would have been easy for Talbot to have got slightly lost among such a multi-talented squad but the Edinburgh-based singer gracefully controls the set. An album of real class".

The guardian

d. 14. Feb. 2013



Robin Denselow

d. 14. Feb. 2013

"The 15 other instrumentalists and six other singers include American country and bluegrass heroes Jerry Douglas and Tim O'Brien, Mark Knopfler, and Scottish stars Karine Polwart, King Creosote and Julie Fowlis. Yet Talbot effortlessly dominates the set, with new songs co-written with different band members, from the unashamedly emotional The Loneliest, to the charming Celtic swirl of The New Cajun Waltz and the fiddle, guitar and dobro-backed country weepie When the Roses Come Again. Exquisite".


2013 March



Bob Walton

2013 March

"The musician/guest list is remarkable (...) but the subtle layered arrangements are all low key, and recorded more or less single take/live; everything comes together wonderfully, and never overwhelms or detracts from the singing and the song, while each spin provides fresh musical nuances. Heidi's songwriting contributions are increasingly worth a listen. With absolutely nothing to put off any existing fans (even from as far back as her days in Cherish The Ladies) and much to attract a much wider audience, Angels Without Wings is a truly fitting response to Colin Irwin's suggestion in the national press last year that Heidi "is primed and ready for crossover success"".