Music / folk

Another day, another time : celebrating the music of "Inside Llewyn Davis"

Reviews (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 12. Jan. 2015



Lars Löbner Jeppesen

d. 12. Jan. 2015

"Allestedsnærværende T Bone Burnett stod for at samle det imponerende hold, der skulle fejre musikken og ånden fra Coen-brødrenes fine periodefilm Inside Llewyn Davis om 60'ernes folkscene. Nu er den 34 sange lange og herligt livlige koncert udkommet med en blanding af traditionelle folkesange og fine pluk fra de optrædendes eget sangkatalog ... Nashville, Tennessee-sangerinden Gillian Welch er selvsagt også dukket op i selskab med husbonden Dave Rawlings, ligesom de assisterer Conor Oberst, og de tres bidrag er alene entreprisen værd til denne festlige fejring af en svunden tid, der forsætter med at inspirere og medrive".

The telegraph

d. 16. Jan. 2015



Martin Chilton

d. 16. Jan. 2015

"Another Day, Another Time lacks the true originality of the gorgeous soundtrack and concert work by the Coens/T Bone on O Brother, Where Art Thou? and there is even a nod to that when Mulligan, Welch and Rhiannon Giddens sing Didn't Leave Nobody But The Baby from that film. But this is stll an enjoyable album with two stand-out songs from the terrific Giddens, who shows she can do a traditional classic such as Waterboy (a favourite of Odetta and Fats Waller) along with the traditional Celtic number S'iomadh Rid The Dhith Om / Ciamar A Ni Mi".


2015 March



Steve Hunt

2015 March

"While everyone's clearly engaged in the collaborative spirit of the event, the quality of the roster and familiarity of much of the material perhaps presents a challenge in standing out from the crowd. Jack White certainly grabs the attention with his engaging yelp across Tom Paxton's Did You Hear John Hurt? and Marcus Mumford really steps up to the plate with an emotive solo reading of Bob Dylan's I Was Young When I Left Home ... Oscar Isaac (titular star of the movie) proves himself every bit as capable on-stage as on-screen with Green, Green Rocky Road, while Rhiannon Giddens draws a mid-concert standing ovation for her grandstanding delivery of a Gaelic waulking song medley, following which [producer T Bone] Burnett was moved to ask backstage if he could produce a record with her".

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