Music / rock

Anyway but here

Reviews (4)


d. 18. Oct. 2022



Mads Buchreitz Jensen

d. 18. Oct. 2022

"Det er som om Sorry ikke helt kan give slip på sig selv og deres kreativitet - at de ikke tør trække det helt ud, hvor musikken virkelig kan blive levende. Man kan mærke der er potentiale til det, men det vanvittige klimaks, som nogle af sangene bygger op i mod, udebliver gang på gang ... man sidder tilbage med en tom følelse af noget uforløst. En følelse, som generelt præger albummet".


d. 4. Oct. 2022



Rhian Daly

d. 4. Oct. 2022

"'Anywhere But Here' might feel heavy-hearted, and a sliver of Sorry's edge might have been diluted in their bid for accessibility. But, at its core, the record continues the thing that made them so exciting in the first place - chaotic, brilliant curveballs that capture the confusion and commotion of life right now".


d. 12. Oct. 2022



Aimee Cliff

d. 12. Oct. 2022

"On its second album, the London band folds classic pop tropes into its songwriting-just the latest surprise from a group that has always kept listeners on their toes".


d. 5. Dec. 2022



Chris Conaton

d. 5. Dec. 2022

"Stylistically, Anywhere But Here is not a significant shift from Sorry's debut album. The tweaks they have made are very successful, though. They sound like a full band now, not just an extension of Lorenz and O'Bryen's ideas (...). The result is a batch of songs that feel like they're poking at rock and pop conventions without being a full-on piss-take against rock music. This approach means Anywhere But Here is more rewarding the more it's listened to".