Music / rock

Are you open?

Reviews (3)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"The one-time blues specialist has widened his palette so his fleet single-string leads are a mere coloring on a collection of well-crafted songs that draw upon a variety of roots sounds ... a collection that is largely grounded in mellow, deeply felt soul and blues that owes much to the past but isn't attempting to re-create olden days. Instead, Walker is deft and elegant, weaving together sounds and stories in a way that has a quiet, lasting impact".

Glide Magazine

d. 15. Feb. 2019



Doug Collette

d. 15. Feb. 2019

"Seth Walker himself did the painting that adorns the front cover of his new album Are You Open? but the gaze in that portrait is no less piercing than that of the artist in the photograph on the back. Or much less insinuating than the music inside, the main approach of which is so understated that, while it may not suit music lovers inclined to listen for only primary colors, will no doubt entice any listener who can appreciate its understated honesty".

Something else!

d. 8. Feb. 2019



S. Victor Aaron

d. 8. Feb. 2019

"It's tempting to call this record a tilt toward Ben Harper territory, something that's a compliment in my book. Upon further reflection, though, this might be the most "Seth Walker" record Seth Walker has ever made".