Music / rock

As long as I have you

Reviews (3)

Rolling stone

d. 4. June 2018



Kory Grow

d. 4. June 2018

"On As Long as I Have You, Roger Daltrey's ninth solo outing and first in more than a quarter century, he goes back to belting out soul numbers like he did half a century ago ... What's impressive, though, is how he never sounds like he's doing an impression of the artist he's covering (like he used to do with Bo Diddley), maintaining a consistent, full-band sound throughout the entire release ... Sometimes the album verges on melodrama but he has a way of selling it where it never sounds like he's acting. It's not all R&B, but it is Maximum Daltrey".

Cryptic rock

d. 28. May 2018



Vito Tanzi

d. 28. May 2018

"Roger Daltrey shows no signs of aging and his stellar performance on As Long As I Have You is a testament to this theory. The raw sound of As Long As I Have You places the emphasis on Daltrey's gigantic voice and stunning persona. Needless to say, whether as a solo act or performing with his dear friend Pete Townshend as The Who, Daltrey's talents are everlasting and in many avenues go unmatched. A great treat for fans of Roger Daltrey and The Who".

Spectrum culture

d. 4. June 2018



Justin Cober-Lake

d. 4. June 2018

"As Long as I Have You doesn't intend to break new ground. Daltrey, encouraged by his recording work with Wilko Johnson, simply set out to cut a soulful album of tunes he likes. He compiles music from different eras and genres (we didn't even mention the funk song) and makes the record he wants to hear. Even so, there's very little aspect of a vanity project here. Daltrey still puts the work in, and over the years he's developed the technique to match his energy. This new release has a bit of the "elder statesman" vibe to it, and it shows that Daltrey remains a musical force, whether looking back to his teenage years, enjoying the present or meditating on a career heading home (but not ready to settle there yet)".