Music / rock

Astral weeks

Reviews (3)


d. 6. Nov. 2015



Stephen Thomas Erlewine

d. 6. Nov. 2015

"It is youthful and old, the first flowering of expanded consciousness, one not yet tarnished by either tragedy or cynicism but impeded by an encroaching sense of mortality. Death flows through the album but doom doesn't cloud each moment. Rather, this music comes from the perspective of a young man realizing everything he has will erode, an awareness arriving while the wonder of life has yet to fade".


d. 6. Nov. 2015



Stephen Thomas Erlewine

d. 6. Nov. 2015

"When Morrison claimed Astral Weeks sounded "samey" in latter-day interviews, he had a point: it was variations on a theme, whereas His Band and the Street Choir shoehorns celebration, sweet melancholy, and reflection into 12 songs. Perhaps this doesn't make for a spiritually transcendent record but it is an album of sustenance, providing sustained pleasures for times of joy and sorrow".

New musical express

d. 12. Aug. 1989


d. 12. Aug. 1989