Music / folkemusik

Au Cube

Reviews (2)

Folk radio UK

d. 4. Jan. 2019



Thomas Blake

d. 4. Jan. 2019

"It is tempting to position the album as a kind of argument against the narrow-mindedness and provincialism of current politics (and in particular Britain's relationship with Europe) or to try to defend its outward-looking approach in the face of those myopic political stances. But musical collaboration does not necessarily need defending - songs as potent as these have been around for centuries and will surely still have an audience when the affairs of the present day are distant memories".


2019 Spring



Steve Hunt

2019 Spring

"The ever-prolific Mr Roberts contributes a few typically artful original songs, including "Cyclone's Vernal Retreat" - on which the singers' voices "nestle together, like birds" in a hypnotic guitar figure, and the palpably atmospheric "Year Waxing, Year Waning". McDermott shines on "Da Auld Resting Chair" - a beautiful air composed by Shetland fiddle player Tom Anderson, while guitars entwine on an affecting version of Anne Briggs' "Go Your Way". It's the quality of the singing that supplies this album its core strength, demonstrated to full effect on the unaccompanied, call-and-response "Je Vous Al Menti Souvent" and "La Mere Cruelle" (The Cruel Mother) - sung by Roberts in English with the refrains in French. The traditional Scots ballad "Rosie Anderson" provides another highlight, while the jaunty closer "Les Aguillettes" - and the lengthy applause that follows it - only makes the listeners wish they'd been there".