Music / rock


Reviews (2)





Tim Sendra


"It would be interesting to see where the idea to mix super-girly J-pop and riff-heavy heavy metal into an unholy blend of frothing cuteness came from. These are two styles that never in a million years should have been Frankensteined together...the girls' ultra sweet and innocent vocals juxtaposed with cookie monster growling is batty, the pummeling beats that underpin the bubblegummy radio pop melodies are nuts, and the occasional hip-hop interludes, drum'n'bass bits, and dubstep breaks really push it into wackyland ... Those who don't really care about rules and just want to jump around like idiots to the brightest, silliest music imaginable will find exactly what they never dreamed about asking for in Babymetal's brilliant debut".

Gaffa [online]

d. 27. May 2015



Keld Rud

d. 27. May 2015

"Musikalsk er Babymetal som en hovedkulds kollision mellem letbenet, japansk maskinpop og højpotent metal, der ikke går af vejen for at hente sin inspiration hos selv den mest brutale dødsmetal ... Man undrer sig over, at de hårdt slående metalriff ikke afstøder popindslagene, som en værtskrop afstøder et fremmed organ, der ikke passer. Man slår en latter op, men ret hurtigt efter spørger man sig selv: Hvad skal jeg bruge Babymetal til?".