Music / pop

Brave enough

Reviews (3)

The libraries' assessment

d. 16. Sep. 2016



Thomas Tiedje

d. 16. Sep. 2016

Den amerikanske violinist Lindsay Stirling fortsætter ufortrødent sin spøjse fusion af pompøs strengelir og moderne musik på sit tredje album. Hvor lyden indtil nu har været inspireret af dubstep og IDM, er Lindsay nu rykket over i nu-goth og emo-land. Vokalbidragene (fra blandt andre Weezers Rivers Cuomo) er mere rå og nærgående og violinen mere inderlig end nogensinde. Det er storladent og fuldt af patos, og Lindsay synes vitterlig at have fundet en åre, som tiltaler et stort publikum. Et publikum der ikke er blevet mindre, efter at hendes musik er blevet brugt i serier som "Game of thrones" og "Zelda".





Neil Z. Yeung


"Over 13 tracks of rousing violin stompers, Stirling continuously proves that she can party just as well as she can stir the soul ... and Brave Enough ends up being one of her most listenable, enjoyable, and emotionally satisfying efforts".

Cryptic rock

d. 24. Aug. 2016



Zenae Zukowski

d. 24. Aug. 2016

"Lindsey Stirling has attained an incredible amount of experiences over this past year, and that has been shown in Brave Enough. She has explored different boundaries and added eight collaboration tracks to the fabric of this record length. Perhaps her experience has led to the change where there were fewer instrumentals and more collaborations. However, many would agree the strongest pieces are her instrumental compositions, especially the beautiful "Gavi's Song."".