Music / rock

Braver than we are

Reviews (2)

The Washington post

d. 15. Sep. 2016



Jill Lawless

d. 15. Sep. 2016

"Their likably bombastic new album should please devotees of operatic, over-the-top rock, though it may not make new converts ... Meat Loaf fans may want this album, may even need it - it's less likely they'll love it. But two out of three ain't bad".

Berlingske tidende

d. 10. Sep. 2016



Mads Hendrich

d. 10. Sep. 2016

"Opulent teater-hardrock, der er så skabagtigt pompøs, at den får Andrew Lloyd Webbers samlede værk til at lyde minimalistisk til sammenligning ... Mere farsbrød? Nej tak".

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