Film / koncertfilm

British blues explosion live

Reviews (1)

Blues rock review

d. 18. May 2018



Clive Rawlings

d. 18. May 2018

"As the title suggests, this is a salute to the Brit blues heroes, featuring the unbelievable music of Clapton/Cream (Mainline Florida/SWALBR), Jeff Beck (opener Beck's Bolero/Rice Pudding) and Jimmy Page (Tea For One/I Can't Quit You). The solos were long and fantastic, whereas the backing from Michael Rhodes on bass, Reese Wynans on keys, Russ Irwin on guitars and keyboards and an outstanding, super energized Anton Fig on drums whose mastery of his kit brought to a spellbinding climax the initial proceedings with a dynamic solo in Led Zeppelin's "How Many Times," but possibly also some of the audience as well".