Music / folk

Brother sister

Reviews (3)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Working with producer Mike Viola, Sara and Sean Watkins devote the majority of Brother Sister to original compositions designed to showcase how their voices intertwine. Much of the time, they explore gentler territory, keeping things hushed even on veiled protest songs like "Fake Badge, Real Gun." The quiet dynamics wind up placing an emphasis on how the Watkins feed off each other as instrumentalists".

Glide Magazine

d. 8. Apr. 2020



Jim Hynes

d. 8. Apr. 2020

"It is truly a gift for two siblings to make magical music like this but, of course, it's not surprising given their success in Nickel Creek and other bands. Yet, music distilled to just the two of them reveals an especially warm sound".


2020 November



Doug DeLoach

2020 November

"Considering their shared history - basically growing up playing together with Chris Thile in the progressive bluegrass band Nickel Creek, followed by a multi-year residency as Watkins Family Hour in LA's Largo club - it's a wonder Sean and Sara Watkins never produced a purely collaborative project prior to the release of Brother Sister. This collection of ten tracks by two of acoustic music's most gifted artists is suffused with (...) synergistic energy and covalent bond ... Clearly evident across the seven co-written original songs and three covers is the impact of the Watkins Family Hour period, which served as a platform for experimental collaboration with artists such as Jackson Browne, Fiona Apple, Nikka Costa and Dawes. Whether gracefully melding vocal harmonies on 'The Cure' and Warren Zevon's 'Accidently Like a Martyr' or matching breakneck riff for breakneck riff on the two instrumentals, 'Snow Tunnel' and 'Bella and Ivan,' Sean and Sara Watkins represent a singularly formidable force".